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The Tole: Global Developmental Delay

Late development in general or better known as "Global Developmental Delay" (GDD) refers to children who do not reach their normal level of development according to their age in terms of language and communication, physical, cognitive, socio-emotional and environmental development. It can usually be identified in the early stages of a child's development, which is when a child is born up to the age of 18.

The child will be diagnosed as GDD when there is a delay in the development of more than 2 categories of these abilities:

Fine and/or gross motor skills such as holding objects, writing, crawling, jumping, etc.;
Mind/thought/cognitive (cognitive) such as thinking to complete a task or do something etc.;
Speech and language such as speaking, communicating verbally and saying sentences to be understood;
Social Emotional (Social Emotional) such as giving the right reaction, emotion and body language response according to the right situation and stimulation; and
Activities of daily living such as eating, drinking, cleaning.

Causes of GDD

Down syndrome, which is caused by genetics
Germ/virus infection in the baby or the occurrence of problems during pregnancy and childbirth
Premature birth (early birth/insufficient fetal age)
Chronic ear infections in the early stages of infancy. This will cause hearing loss, which leads to a delay in speech.
Autism spectrum disorder
Cerebral palsy
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Landau Kleffner syndrome
Myopathies, including muscular dystrophy

The Tole Medical Centre

The Tole Acupuncture-Herbal Medical Centre has a rich history of treating GDD. Dato’ Master Tole’s family has been practicing traditional Chinese Medicine for 4 generations now, and has been carrying out research and innovation to perfect its methods and treatments for over 140 years.

The Tole’s Neuro Acupuncture

The Tole’s alternative GDD remedies using The Tole’s Neuro Acupuncture are becoming more and more popular not just in Malaysia, but among patients from many other countries. The Tole’s Neuro Acupuncture involves the use of fine needles, which are inserted into the scalp, to treat various conditions and diseases, including cancer. Acupuncture itself is becoming very popular in many countries in the world, including the US, where it is estimated that more that 1.4% of the population uses acupuncture for medical purposes.

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